The last competition in the 2024 Winter Cup, organized by the Lower Silesian Field Shooting Group HFT Beaver, was also the final of the entire cup. After these games, the winter league was ended.
Ultimately, I took 14th place in the Hunter Field Target Winter Cup. This is a good result for the beginning of the year and the upcoming season.
The final competition of the HFT Collusion Cup was held in MIKSTAT. I had almost 300 km to travel from Krakow. The forecast was favorable for the trip, so I planned to go on Saturday evening. Finally, I set off only on Sunday at 6 am. It was quite windy and cold there. Fortunately, the temperature rose during the competition.
The track consisted of 30 figures, one at each station. Scoring 2 (DOWN) – 1 (HIT) – 0 (MISS). As always, the competition was preceded by a briefing and you could go to the track, located in the forest next to the MIKSTAT LAS hotel.
The wind during the competition deprived me of several valuable points in long distances. I wonder why I didn’t hit a few small HIT ZONEs. Figure number 15, size HIT ZONE 15mm, was placed at 15 meters. This target verifies the condition and efficiency of the equipment on a given day. This can be seen in the table below.